WNY Wildway
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy is proud to partner with the Western New York Land Conservancy on the Western New York Wildway – an ambitious, long-term plan to protect and connect the largest of our region's remaining tracts of wildlife habitat.
The WNY Wildway will connect the vast forests of the Allegheny Mountains to the Great Lakes – and beyond. It will form part of the Eastern Wildway, which runs all the way from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The WNY Wildway will allow plants and animals to roam across the land as they once did, to move as climate changes, and to expand their ranges and ensure their survival. It will allow wildlife that have disappeared from our region to return home.
As a lead partner of the WNY Wildway Partner Network, the Conservancy will continue its mission to protect the lands and waters within the WNY Wildway project area. The Conservancy serves as the co-chair of the Southern Region of the WNY Wildway Partner Network, a coalition of groups–including municipalities, Indigenous Nations, state and federal agencies, and community members–committed to building and supporting the WNY Wildway.
Visit https://www.wnylc.org/wnywildway to learn more and for resources to implement wildway-friendly practices on your property!